The NER had an extensive traffic conveying steel plate from the rolling mills to the shipyards and various other users. Over the years, several types of plate wagon were built, the subject of this kit being introduced in July 1911. These wagons were frequently observed in shipyards, fabrication yards and goods yards in North Eastern England.
At the Grouping there were 1318 recorded in service. With the decline of the shipbuilding industry during the Depression, many of these vehicles were put to other uses such as the movement of agricultural machinery. At least one wagon, 78686, was legended ‘Return to Ipswich’ for such a purpose. A number (including G498 and 76019), were converted in 1914 to carry larger plates by cutting down their sides and adding 20’ trestles. Similar conversions were made in 1920 to 14710, 17225, 75879, 79013 and 80886. A 27’ length trestle was fitted on this occasion. The LNER coded these vehicles Trestle C.
These wagons had a long life and 664 survived to Nationalisation. Whether any received the new BR livery is unknown, but it is unlikely.