This etch contains one 5’4″ and two 2’8″ brackets, with their associated trimmers and landings. To model a 3-doll cantilever or equal tee signal, you will need two 5’4″ brackets.
The actual size of the fret is 95½ x 99mm; it is etched in 0.016″ brass.
To model a complete signal, you will need a base post (S07 or S028), dolls (S033), signal arms (S011 SE&CR or S013 L&YR lower quadrant; S012 series SR/LMS/BR upper quadrant), finials (SC02 or SC016 SE&CR; SC013 or SC017 L&YR), lamps (SC01 SE&CR; SC06 SR/BR; SC023 L&YR; SC011 LMS/BR), balance levers and weights (S01 or SC041 lower quadrant, included with S012/1 and 2 for upper quadrant) and a ladder (S09/5 or S7/09).